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RYAN! o(' ▽ ')o @aventism_
they/he, 18 zZz
lesbian, white, disabled

links ~ main ~ priv

sillies of the year
miz • link • wilbur/kaz • veil • jim • kai

likes ~ genshin, hsr, aot, minecraft, soft n warm things, dnd, warm colors, art, my friends :3, nature, otters, abandoned buildings, liminal spaces, unsettling horror
dislikes ~ insects, mouth breathers, idk man a lot of ppl piss me off 😭

BEFORE YOU FOLLOW ~ i am incredibly inactive all the time, i also talk a lot about my personal life. pls feel free to dm me whenever!
DO NOT FOLLOW IF ~ basic criteria, zionist, think endo systems are real, mspec lesbians, think you can contribute to a conversation about something you haven't experienced


i Will talk abt fictional men being hot, but this doesnt change the fact that im a lesbian. i may also struggle with tone due to being autistic, and be a part of system conversations due to being a system. more in-depth notes can be found below!!

genshin info!

ar 56, eu server
ei, yoimiya and yelan main
pls ask me abt khaenri'ah pleasw pelase
uid: 740116696

hsr info!

tl 50, na server
acheron, dan heng il and seele main
i barely play and am not good at the game
uid: 600356473

additional notes_

about disorders

i needed a Whole section for these 😭
disorders of note:
p-did (partial did) while ill rarely ever exhibit anything system-related, i do still have it and will participate in system conversations
dpd (dependant personality disorder) i will sometimes ask for advice or opinions on what im doing, n this is why!!
pots i will almost never bring this up, but it is still important
other disorders ~ adhd, autism, clinical depression, stpd, c-ptsd (recovering!), dyslexia